These are the rules for the tbg-studios server. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in punishment by administration. Note: if any of these rules are updated, administration must and will notify all users through brodcast message. Respect: Though this server is room to people with conflicting views, and we have no issue with debate or discussion, everyone is entitled to mutual respect. The act of insulting one's race, religious views, personal or familial issues, and generally attacking one's character is not allowed. Please note that private messages that include such language are deemed private until disclosed by the recipient, and therefore under the jurisdiction of the administrators. Spamming: There are many different kinds of spamming. Chat spamming, the act of sending a large amount of chats in a long period of time, and spam flashing, the act of repeatedly logging in and out of the server are not allowed. Inflammatory names: The act of changing one's name to that of a derogatory fashion is absolutely not allowed. This is included but not limited to. names which are racistic in nature, names which mock an ethnic or religious group of people, and names which are overly sexual in describing rape and sexual acts with children. Loudness and distortion: it is very important for the server that we keep loud noise and distortion to a minimum. Loud and distorted mics, and loud and distorted audio files are not allowed. If you are experiencing mic issues, administration reserves the right to move you to a different channel, or to disable your global voice transmission until they are informed that you have fixed the issue. Purposeful loudness and distortion will result in a removal of your global voice transmission until you comply with administrators and fix the microphone. Audio files that are loud and distorted should not be streamed. if one does so repeatedly, their audio file streaming ability will be disabled. Contextualization of statements: This claus is for players and administrators. If an action is done which violates the respect or inflammatory names rule, it is important to put the statement, or action, within its proper context to deduce the true meaning of the statement. Eye witness testimony can be used to gather context, and the verdict on whether the statement qualifies under rule violation or not is to be made only when the proper context has been established. Off platform issues and disputes: it is possible and very much probable that different people on this server may have certain issues and disputes because of reasons that happened off the platform. However, this server is to be entirely voide of any and all off platform issues and disputes. One should not bring their off platform disputes to a public channel, but rather you can ask administration to create a password protected temporary channel for the parties involved to resolve the dispute, or handle it in a separate place. Continuously bringing off platform issues and disputes to public channels, when they are not relevant and certainly not called for will not be tolerated. Inflammatory files: the same criteria that applies to inflammatory names is also applicable to inflammatory files. if one streams such a file, their audio file streaming will be disabled. Continuous streaming of such files will result in the termination of one's right to exist on the server. By showing up on the server, you agree to follow these policies to their fullest extent. if you do not, we advise you delete this teamtalk server from your servers list.